Help! Display Color are inverted?!


I started my mac this morning to find out the colors are in Black & White! Very freaky, not nice. When I Log Out or Restart the computer I see the normal blue colors for a second, but when it has restarded the colors are gonbe again... So I don't think it's a hardware problem.

When opening the Display settings it's set to 256 colors. When changing that to Millions, the colors are inverted! (blue gets be be orange)

Anyone, please, I am scared!!
Uhm.. weird?

Try Black Light, it inverts the colors... ok a temp solution but untill you find the real thing... something in the sys preferences probably... anyway, the Black light u find it here ... i use that when i want to see infert.. :-7
What happens if you hit Shift + Command + Option + 8?

Or go to the Universal Access pane in System Preferences and click Switch To White On Black and then Switch To Black On White.
also, if you can, I'd try putting that monitor on a different machine. Could be a hardware thing :(
Everyone thanks for the replies!!!

Cybergoober I went to Universal Access and swithced to grayscale, and then back again, that was the trick! I sure am curious how this happened, out of the 'blue' :)

Thanks again!
My monitor just went out last week, i have a new 19in CRT now, but i wonder if leaving it on one night did it. For some reason X did not want to put the display to sleep, imagine my surprise when i got home the next day. Next thing you know it would be in a pink tint. That was starting to be a pain, so I had to get a new monitor. I have yet to find the app that causes the display sleep to be inactive, but it did it yesterday and i quit all apps and at the scheduled time it went to display sleep.

Are you running 10.2.2?

10.2.0 decided to set the display to 256 colors each time I booted. This was after I was playingarond with Universal Access. I've been reluctant to mess with UA since.

I haven't had problems in 10.2.2. Then again, I haven't messed with Universal Access. :)