Help!!! DVD Player does NOT work!


I don't know what's going on, but I was watchin a DVD and it told me I had a fatal error then quit DVD Player. I went back in, and I had the same error on the chapter every time. Okay, so then I tried 3 other DVD's... they all had the same problem.
Then, I reboot my computer, thinking that will help a bit, but it does nothing. Just ruins it completely. When I put in a DVD player now, the DVD Player will bounce once on the Dock, then stop. I click it and nothing happens, just gets highlighted. I double click the icon in the Apps folder, same problem, no bounce.

Is there any way to uninstall DVD and then reinstall it? I'm not sure cause like the updates only give out updaters for DVD player, not the player its self.
I don't know what to do and this really bites.
Any help would be great.

it's the one that comes with my iMac, the internal one. I dont know what firmware is but i know this happened right after i got the dvd 3.whatever update.
Download the actual package from Apple's website (go here: ), and then download Pacifist (it's a beta version, but it works really well). You can open the package and then selectively install only what you want to install.

You might need to download all of the updates except for the last one just to make sure that you have the latest version of the software before the last upgrade.