Help: German Language Speakers!

Two Danes, two Norwegians and two Swedes were stranded on a desert island. When they were rescued after 1 year, their rescuers discovered that the two Danes had started three political parties, the two Norwegians had fought the whole time they were there and the two Swedes hadn't spoken to each other as they hadn't been formally introduced!

::ha:: ::ha:: ::ha::
A swede is asked why he's carrying a ladder in the grocery store, and answers: "Because the prices are so high!"

Excuse me :p
What do you get if you cross a donkey and a tortoise?

A Norwegian in a helmet!

(F'låt ksv. For those not in the know, the Norwegians are to the Swedes what the Irish are to the English, the Canadians to the Yanks, etc. I don't remember who the Norwegians pick on, tho'.)
I think the Norwegians have the same stories about Swedes as we in Sweden have about Norwegians.