Help: iChat Audio Chat Doesn't Work!

It does allow iChat. You said you were able to text message with iChat, just not audio or video.

To do the audio and/or video, the system that you are connecting to would need to open the necessary ports for iChat to work on their system. This would be settings on their network/router, not yours.

You're beating a dead horse here.

The only way you're going to get an answer is to contact your ISP that you connect to and ask them about their port settings.
Ah ... I see! So, it's only the audio/video ports that they don't allow. That would mean that the audio chat wouldn't work on Yahoo! either (or any other audio chat program, for that matter). I had wondered about that. OK, thanks.
I have the same problem from home.
Skype is working great (in audio, IM or file transfert) and i'm trying to use ichat since i bought an isight. but i get the same problem. #didn't respond# message while connecting plus on the computer calling when we try to close the call window ichat crashes. I'm starting to think buying an isight was a mistake.
are either of you using Chax? I had the same problem with an early version of chax, where it would say that one or the other did not respond. So if either are using that, try updating it or deleting it
Phew. That's a loooooooooooong thread. :) Just to make sure we all get our terms correct... Public hotspots let you do what they _want_ you to do with their network connection. They allow WWW (not "internet", since that would include _every_ internet connection, video chats included) and E-Mail (POP3 access over port 110 and SMTP over port 25) usually.

The reason why they don't just let you do *everything* is not only bandwidth considerations but also the legality of what you're doing. They want to prevent people from using all those funky P2P networks etc.

Maybe if you kindly ask whether they could add support for iChat AV, they might look into the implications for their firewall/gateway etc. If you can provide them with the ports they'd have to open (same ones as for your computer), that'd probably be helpful. But I don't really think they'd go for it.
I'm not using Chax. I've never even heard of Chax. But I *really* wish I could use iChat. After all, what's the point of having the damn thing if it won't work properly. The application came with my computer and it doesn't say anywhere: "Oh, by the way, iChat won't work if you're in a public hotspot." That just bogus.
fryke said:
Phew. That's a loooooooooooong thread. :) Just to make sure we all get our terms correct... Public hotspots let you do what they _want_ you to do with their network connection. They allow WWW (not "internet", since that would include _every_ internet connection, video chats included) and E-Mail (POP3 access over port 110 and SMTP over port 25) usually.

The reason why they don't just let you do *everything* is not only bandwidth considerations but also the legality of what you're doing. They want to prevent people from using all those funky P2P networks etc.

Maybe if you kindly ask whether they could add support for iChat AV, they might look into the implications for their firewall/gateway etc. If you can provide them with the ports they'd have to open (same ones as for your computer), that'd probably be helpful. But I don't really think they'd go for it.
Not true. I can do P2P at public hotspots with no problem.
and as i said in my previous post, i have the same problem from HOME.
I have no pb with P2P or skype. No firewall, all ports open...

So what should we do ?
istyan said:
and as i said in my previous post, i have the same problem from HOME.
I have no pb with P2P or skype. No firewall, all ports open...

So what should we do ?
Oh, I wasn't replying to your post. LOL That was for Fryke.