HELP! Kernel Panic on bootup!


I'm helping out a friend by replacing their internal hard drive in their ibook g4 (its smart status was failing). I cloned the bad hd using carbon copy to my ipod (set up as a disk). I then tested the clone by booting it via firewire and it worked fine as a boot drive. I then replaced the internal hd with a new one (not formatted yet) and attempted to boot from the clone on the ipod again. However, this time during the grey apple screen I get a black box and kernel panic. It worked before I put the new hd in...whats going on?
I hold the option key down so I can choose the ipod as the startup disk (the internal drive doesn't show up b/c its not formatted). Would the new drive be causing the problem even though the system can't technically see it?
When you select the iPod is that when you get the Kernel Panic?

What are the specs of the new drive? Is removing the drive to test your theory something you're prepared to do?
Heres what I did:

1. Select Ipod at option screen and hit arrow
2. Grey apple screen comes up like its going to boot normally
3. Small black box appears in middle of screen, verified as kernel panic by going into verbose mode.

Keep in mind this way booted fine when i had the original hd in there.

I've tried resetting the nvram and all of that. I guess the next thing would be to get the install disk and try the disk utility on the new hd. If all else fails, I suppose i'll have to remove the drive. Ibook hd replacement is such a PITA.
Certainly, trying to prepare the new internal drive is the right step and I hope you don't have to operate on the iBook again ....