I agree that in term of language Python is the most interesting I saw. Now it search itself and hasn't a library very clean. That's also a script language not doing gui isn't rewarding.
Java is certainly a good choice (clean language, high internet support with plenty high quality free learning stuff) and Apple is going to it : Now integrated to Project Builder, at least very well implementend to get really standard gui with standard Java stuff, easy way to get out of Java and make direct call to the System api and Objective-C. But choosing Java will imply a strong investment. Still a good choice.
AppleScript is very special, I hate its false "human language". In term of language it is also very limited. But its integration ot the System, its mix of scripting approach and easy gui building and using with AppleScript Studio. Plus its links with the unix shell commands make it a great toy to play with. I write toy but you could do very fast concrete things as usefull tools.
Later with it's wide connections, you have many way to use it as a base to see further :
- Exploring more its ability to command other application.
- It's connection to unix command shells to use it to encapsulate more and more complex unix command tools.
- It's open architecture that allow you call Objective-c method or even (less easy) Java stuff. That could be an easy way to make more fun first steps in complex worlds.
So afterall, despite all its limitations, despite it is too special, that's an interesting choice to start with particularely when AppleScript Studio is free.
Java is certainly a good choice (clean language, high internet support with plenty high quality free learning stuff) and Apple is going to it : Now integrated to Project Builder, at least very well implementend to get really standard gui with standard Java stuff, easy way to get out of Java and make direct call to the System api and Objective-C. But choosing Java will imply a strong investment. Still a good choice.
AppleScript is very special, I hate its false "human language". In term of language it is also very limited. But its integration ot the System, its mix of scripting approach and easy gui building and using with AppleScript Studio. Plus its links with the unix shell commands make it a great toy to play with. I write toy but you could do very fast concrete things as usefull tools.
Later with it's wide connections, you have many way to use it as a base to see further :
- Exploring more its ability to command other application.
- It's connection to unix command shells to use it to encapsulate more and more complex unix command tools.
- It's open architecture that allow you call Objective-c method or even (less easy) Java stuff. That could be an easy way to make more fun first steps in complex worlds.
So afterall, despite all its limitations, despite it is too special, that's an interesting choice to start with particularely when AppleScript Studio is free.