Help me with Quicktime 6 !


Gone !
My copy of the Gattacca was running fine in Quicktime 5 full-screen mode - now it's slowed down under Quicktime 6 !!!
It runs at about 80% speed of Quicktime 5, and this makes it unwatchable ! Quicktime 5 viewed the file fluently, with no breaks, while Q6 just misses some frames !

The film is .mov, it's on my disk, I've closed up all apps but Q6, but it STILL goes slow. Help !!!
Quicktime 6 , I believe, does not incorporate the DivX format.

Either way, if you by the DVD and a DVD player instead of watching pirated movies, wich take revenues away from the film makers and actors causing prices to increase on the distribution of future movies wich in turn force the law abiding consumers of the world to fork over more money to enjoy the movie that they wish to enjoy.

Now that I got that rant off my chest, I have two words for you:

"Karma, Baby!"

Figure it out before it's too late.


Don't blame your troubles on Apple. If you do not like it, you are more than welcome to trade your mac in for a PC and do all of the pirating you wish.

These were constructive remarks I see.

Well, true, DivX just steals video. I'll have to apologize for aking here about it.
Still, if I've got a friend making 3D Studio Max animations, he sends them in DiVX and I'm stuck with a stupid Macintosh machine.
(bonk) "ow!. Hey, it hurts when I (bonk) ... ow! bang my head against this wall here. Watch. (bonk) ow! Why can't this wall be softer? I hate the (bonk) ... maker of this (bonk) ow! Wall!"

Good One!

Sorry if I hurt your feelings about piracy. But you did start off crying about not being able to watch a pirated movie on QT6. Just noticed your from France, so you might not have gotten the "Free Market" lecture. Of course free market does not mean the consumer get's the product for free.

Anyways, if you don't like comments about piracy, then don't come here whining about how you can't get a "pirated" movie to work on your Apple and then blame Apple.

My copy of the Gattacca was running fine in Quicktime 5 full-screen mode - now it's slowed down under Quicktime 6 !!!

Not meaning to be judgemental, but piracy is a touchy subject and one that really bugs alot of honest developers. (Which there are a few here) So if you wish to get "constructive" help, then don't come to a "Mac Help" forum moaning about how useless Apple hardware is because it won't play your "pirated" movie.

Not to be mean, but you are more than welcome to jump on the warez bandwagon on a PC. It is probably pretty easy to ripoff XP. But remember, Xp is already ugly enough, imagine how it would look with "French" fonts. (just kidding):p
