Help: Mounting drive partitions from windows



Whenever I access my Macs from windows, I can only see files assosiated
with the user account that I logged on with but cant see the drives and partitions on my Macs. For work reason, I need to be able to see those partitions from windows because I store my workfiles in different partitions. How do I go about doing this? did I miss something when I set up my machines? I also noticed that the "allow user to login from windows" option is missing in 10.3.

The Macs and pc's are connected with a 100 base t switch and see each other fine. I have a 867 12" Powebook w/ 640mb Ram and a G5 2.0 DP w/2GB Ram, both running 10.3.3 while my pc is running win 2k pro Sp 1.
