Hughvane, thanks for the links, I should say useful links. I will be spending time with Low End Mac again soon.
QuickSilver 2002 models: 733MHz, 800MHz, 933MHz, & 2x1GHz
Mine is the 800MHz. I keep a copy of the system profile info on file.
"Additionally, all Quicksilver 2002 models add support for hard drives larger than 128 MB, add support for dual displays, and have slightly faster optical drives." (
Low End Mac regarding QuickSilver 2002s:
Overview: "These were the first Macs to support hard drives over 128 GB on the built-in hard drive bus."
Details: "hard drive: 40/60/80 GB 7200 rpm UltraATA/66. Maximum IDE drive size is 128 GB without third-party support. See caution note below."
Caution: "Power Macs earlier than the 2002 Quicksilver models do not have built-in support for IDE hard drives with capacities over 128 GB. Without a third-party solution, larger drives can only be formatted to 128 GB in these models."
The Data Storage Upgrade drives offered (10) for my QS start at 80gb(1) and jump to 160gb and up (9). There is no indication of a limit to accessing 128gb.
It definitely appears that the 128gb limit does not apply to my QS.
Thanks for the help ElDiabloConCaca and Hughvane; it has made this a much easier task.