HELP!! networking 2 macs together...


my partner and i have 2 macs at home (800mhz quicksilvers; one running 10.2.8 and the other 10.3.3) we want to network together. Mine has 3 partitions (osx 10.3.3,os9 and a scratch disk)

I've always been under the impression that you can network together buy just attaching an ethernet cable between the two and activating apple talk.

Well, im obviously wrong because the macs cant communicate with each other (well i cant get them to anyway).

can someone out there give me a step by step of how to network them so i can transfer files, use as an emergency startup e.t.c as i dont know what i should 'tick' in the network and sharing dialogues.

also, how much access can we gain on each others computers i.e we would like some control on which areas to access.

Most gratefull for any good help

thanx all
Without some sort of ethernet hub/server you will need what's known as a "crossover cable" which will allow your computers to communicate. They cost around $15 (US).
As for using one as an emergency start up for the other, I am not sure how that would work…

When you connect your computers, you merely go to the "Go" menu on one computer and search for the other. Select it and enter that person's password unless you log on as Guest, in which case only the other computer's Drop Box area will be visible/accessible.

It sounds like you are a new convert to the wonderful world of OS X networking. What's changed since 9 is you don't have to set anything up. Just turn on file sharing and use the Go menu and you are off. Easy.

You didn't say in your first post that you already had a router. If it has 2 or more ethernet ports on the back (for the ethernet cable to connect to your computer) then you are in business. Connect internet to router and computers to router and you can not only surf the internet (both computers sharing the connection) but you can network the computers as well!

First Make sure "Personal File Sharing" is enabled on both Machines.

Secondly, physically network the two machines together. My recommendation is to use two ethernet cables to hook them up to your Router, if you haven't already. If you want to create an Ad-Hoc network, you should be able to connect them directly, you may not need a cross-over-cable, the Ethernet Port on my iBook is AutoSensing, and will mimic a Cross-over Cable if it is directly connected to another machine.

Thirdly, make sure both machines have Valid IP addresses. Assuming your Router is running a DCHP Server, using the Subnet 192.168.1.x, they'll have the address and, or something similar. Try "Pinging" each other machine either from the command prompt with "ping" or "ping" or using /Applications/Utilities/Network Utility. If they return a Ping, they can see each other.

Finally, on the 10.3.3 Machine, use the finder to go to /Servers/ and you should see both machines there.

If you hit any snags, post the problem, with full details here.
thanx for that Salvo. Using network utility we can see each other (network icon aliases). But when we go though the folder heirachy (after loggin in as guest) we come to a dropbox which we cannot access. Am i to presume that the dropbox leads to the OSX public folder or does it lead to complete access to the networked computer? - Oh and by the way, we are not hooked up to broadband yet (should be in the next week) if that is of any use - we are just going through the ASDL router.