help! new computer pops up demo software every time i reboot


I recently purchased a relatively new macbook pro off of craigslist. When i started it up it booted up just like a brand new macbook i registered it and everything had to go through the entire regular setup process. however when i opened the computer after restarting it my user name was no longer there i logged in under guest and demo software started like the ones you see in the store. i created a new user name and when i log into my other user name i don't see the demo software. how do i uninstall this demo software. every time i restart the computer it comes up. is it a virus? thank you for the help
Your 'new' MacBook Pro was not erased before you bought it, so your next step is to boot to your installer DVD, and erase the hard drive using Disk Utility (from the Utilities menu)
That will clear off the demo software, and give you a good start with a clean install of OS X.
But, in your other post, you said that Lion was installed, so - you can restart while holding Command-R, which will boot your Mac to the Lion recovery partition.
Open Disk Utility, and Erase the main partition on your hard drive.
Quit Disk Utility, then choose Reinstall OS X, and follow the prompts to reinstall OS X. You will need to have an internet connection for that install to work.