Help, Once and for all, how the hell do you do this!?


Charlie Brown
Ok, see those picture icons??? Is there an easy way to make those with or without photoshop!? It seems the person posted this screen at and didn't leave a name or e-mail, so i can't get info form the person himself. Any ideas!? please, those icons are gorgeous and they are exactly like the ones used in Steve job's osx demos and in the welcome to os x booklet on page 10. Thanks
sorry bout that, i got a little excited, here is the pic


  • 02-28-02_anonymous.jpg
    72.2 KB · Views: 70

Yep, that is definitly Pic2Icns. Even still located in the dock at snapshot time You can get it from Sugar Cube Software's website ate

One note though, if you choose to pick a folder and generate icons for all the images DO NOT pick your hard drive for it will generate icons for all eligible formats on your drive. Numbers went up to over 900,000 and then my whole system crashed :p

Have a great day!

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH, i have been making these icons manually in photoshop and they don't look half as good as the ones his program makes. Ive been waiting so long for this THANK YOU sugarcube soft and thank you guys! :)