HELP! OS X Won't Boot!


Ok, here's the sitch:
I have been developing on my lombard for quite some time now, and accidentally messed up my installation of MySQL last week when I installed fink ...

Consequently, today I managed to export my MySQL databases, and then removed MySQL using the instructions found here. In addition, I also removed the MySQL user as well, just to make sure I would be able to do a completely clean install of MySQL. Then I issued a top command in the terminal, just to see what my system was doing, as it was acting a little strange (took 6 minutes to delete the MySQL user...). This is what I got when I did a top:
hots_processor_sets (os/kern) invalid argument

So I decided that rather than dig up and fix whatever was wrong, I outta just reboot...

Only it didn't reboot.. I get the initial greyish screen, and the spinning beach ball in the upper left corner.. then the screen turns blue, with the beach ball as usal, then when it tries to start the window server, the screen goes to a solid grey, and just locks up. Nothing. Nada. Argh!

So I restarted in console mode, and ran fsck -y, which reported no problems. I then mounted the filesystem rw and tried to run a top again... same result as before.

So now I am stuck with a laptop that won't boot, a deadline in a week to finish a large project, and I'm getting on a plane in 9 hours to be gone for nearly a week...

Any suggestions?
