Help! Panther install problem


I am upgrading from 10.2.8 to Panther. I installed Panther and it went through everything fine (probably took just over an hour). I restarted my computer as required and now, when I get to the desktop, the menu bar at the top keeps flashing (appearing and disappearing). None of my desktop icons are visible except the toolbar applications at the bottom. My hard drive is not being shown but my settings seem to be in place (same wallpaper and icons in toolbar). Obviously, Firefox is working. I put the 2nd DVD in and it spins up but nothing appears. Please help! Thanks.
You should have read some threads in this forum before upgrading to panther from an existing jaguar version. We discussed so many issues that ppl who upgraded had and there was mostly just one solution:
backup your apps and home folders and make a fresh non-upgrading panther install. I am sorry, but this proved to be the only way.
Good luck!