Help Please


Hello fellow Mac users,

I recently bought a Mac PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz. I tried installing a dialup internet program that ends in .pkg.sit. and Mac was unable to find a program to open it. I hope you guys can help me with this problem because Im new to Mac.

Thanks for your help,
Yes. Just be sure that you download the Mac version. The stuffit site will automatically detect the operating system you are using.

And no, I don't believe .zip is taken care of by Mac. My Mac always uses Stuffit for zips. Unless they are downloaded in Safari, which in that case I believe Safari will extract it.
10.4 doesnt come with stuffit because it should now have it own decompress tools for sit, sitx etc files..
@tomid - Are you sure? I had to install stuffit for some files. The system didn't pick up on how to open them.
10.4 doesnt come with stuffit because it should now have it own decompress tools for sit, sitx etc files..

Not true.

Mac OS X 10.4: Where is StuffIt Expander?
Allume StuffIt Expander doesn't come with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger.

But Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger lets you compress and decompress archive (.zip) files that work with both Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.

If you'd like to use StuffIt Expander too, for example, to open .sit or .sitx compressed files, you can download it from the Allume Systems website.
Oops, sorru had misinterpreted apples info, ye you have to get stuffit expander if you have sit files, os x:s own expander works only for zips...
