HELP!!! problems reading PC Zips... please! Have mercy...


Hi everybody,
I've been struggling with this for a while now and can't htink of what to do,.... anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this one?

I've got a new flat panel iMac, bought new last christmas. It came with the OS installed, only had to intitialise it. It had OS X on there, with Classic. Everything was fine - got some strange e-mail which seemed to corrupt something because after that weird things started happening, like the fonts going mad, appearing in the appliation dialog boxes, even thought everything was set to Verdana...etc...

Anyway, always was able to open any PC formatted Zip disks without any problems.... until...
I reinstalled about a week ago, complete erase of HD to make sure to get rid of any lingering problems - and fresh installation. It was crashing badly during the second installation disk - so I did the whole thing twice...
Now I no longer have OS9 on there - which I don't mind really as I'm mostly in OSX anyway now. But I can't read PC Zips anymore...??????!???!?!??!?!?!?? :(

WHile installing I was working on a PC and I urgently need ot transfer files form the pC to the mac...... anyone have any idea what I could do...?

Please!! I'm lost wihtout ya....
Thanks for listening..... :)
It might be worth checking if you can read Zips at all now. If you have a mac-formatted cartridge, try and read or write it.

If that works, try reformatting the Zip cart on the mac and then throw it in the PC and see if you can write to it. Personally, I haven't tried formatting a zip cart in OS X so I'm not sure how it will work, but it might be worth a shot.
thanks for getting back to me in this one. I did try other Zips and mac formatted ones didn't give me any problems whatsoever...
By now I have performed that 'software restore', got OS9 back and for some reason the problem is solved.. no idea why or how...

Thanks ;)