HELP! updated hosed my iPod!


I have a Mac-formatted iPod (15GB 3rd Gen). At home I use it with OS 10.3. At work I use it with WinXP using XPlay software.

Today I updated my WinXP iTunes to the new 4.5. My iPod was plugged in at the time. WinXP asked me to reboot. I did. XPlay then told me that iTunes had to reconfigure to play a Mac-formatted iPod. I clicked OK and after 1 second it was done.

I then proceeded to try to update the iPod software in WinXP. I should have waited until I got home but I'd never updated it on Windows and wanted to see how. I downloaded the update and ran it. It seemed to work. The iPod showed the progress meter of the installation. It then rebooted (at which point WinXP lost connection it to, obviously). Now it won't come back on!

It's STUCK on the Apple logo. I tried holding MENU and PLAY and it just gets stuck at the Apple logo again.

I tried holding PREV and NEXT after holding MENU and PLAY and it just sticks on the logo again.

I can't even get it to shut off!

I can't use WinXP to restore it since it can't detect it's connected. (I've tried rebooting the iPod while and while not connected)

What happened?

I can go home later today and try a Restore using my Mac but I'm worried the Mac won't detect it either if it's stuck on the logo. Plus I'm worried about leaving it ON until I get home after work. HELP!!!
I would leave it and wait to get home and restore with Mac or wait till battery runs out! then post back if that doesnt work!
Well, here's a mini-update. I found I wasn't pressing PREV and NEXT fast enough after the logo returned.

I do that and I can enable Disk Mode. But WinXP asks me to Format the drive. I don't want to do that.

I'm going to go home and try to enable Disk Mode on the Mac, then get my files off of there (for backup purposes) then try to update the software. Hopefully all will be well after that.

I was able to enable Disk Mode but neither WinXP or Mac would allow me to view files on the iPod. Both machines wanted me to Initilize the drive. I tried to do that on the Mac but it just opened up Disk Utility and confused me.

So I ended up just doing a Restore Factory Defaults on the Mac. My iPod was wiped clean :(

But at least it was working and I just connected it to iTunes and got my music back.

Today I'm finding out that my XPlay software (1.1.6) has been hindered by Apple's update. My music is unable to be viewed in Windows Explorer anymore and iTunes 4.5 won't detect the iPod either :(

How ironic that I can only view files, not music... but after yesterday I have no files, only music.

I'm hoping for an XPlay update to fix this or I'll try to go back to iPod 2.1 and iTunes 4.2 somehow.