Help using LCD projector with ibook?

Chris Bourne

I've been using a good quality Sony LCD projector with my iBookG4 (Mac OS 10.4.2) for some time with great success. However recently the projector does not pick up an input from the ibook. I tested the projector and it works with a PC with no problems and my partner has also the same ibook which again I tested it on but with the same problem.

Is there some kind of setting I need to enable or check on my ibook? When we plugged in the PC, it just connected up straight away with no probs.

Your help would be much appreciated.

Any particular reason you have not updated your OS to MacOS X 10.4.10?

As for your projector, I have never had a problem connecting any Mac to any projector. Open the Displays preferences pane, select the Display tab, and press Detect Displays.
To me it sounds as if the monitor port were dead. What happens when you attach a normal display to it?
Did you test the projector on both iBooks - using the same video adapter? (That's the white cable about 6 inches long), or did you have two of those? You wouldn't use that same adapter on a PC laptop. Those adapters can fail, so try another adapter with your iBook.
Thanks for the responses guys.

Deltamac - I tried it with two different video adapters and neither worked

fryke - I don't have a monitor. It does feel a bit like th monitor port could be dead. But why would that happen on both ibooks? How might I fix the problem?