Help video chatting with a Windows machine?


Hi All,
So this may seem like a strange question to ask here, but does anyone know of a Windows application that can do video chatting in full screen when chatting to a Mac?

I'm on OSX and am loving the ichat experience. Sadly, most of the people I know are on XP. The only option seems to be AOL 5.9, which from what I have been told has a misery 120x120 window size. I'm told that MSN can go full screen, but there doesn't seem to be a compatible client for OSX. I've tried Mercury Messenger but the screen size is tiny. I've also tried installing MSN Messenger via Crossover Office, but it doesn't recognize my isight.

Sigh, I love my ichat full screen. Just wishing there was more cross platform support!

Thanks in advance,

I've tried Skype but the video and audio quality are just terrible. Plus, there seems to be some known issue on the Mac client that causes terrible reverb in the audio (when doing video chatting).

This is really sad. There seems to be no clean way to do this other than dragging my old XP laptop out of the attic.

Mercury is the closest, but the video quality is poor and only works with MSN Messenger up to version 7.0.

I'm using Skype right now and to be honest, I'm not all that dissappointed with it. Please understand that this is the first video/audio chatting program that I've ever used, so take my review with a grain of salt.

The only problem that I have with it is that on my MacBook Pro, the microphone is right below the left speaker so the other persons voice wraps around like an endless loop. What I've done to fix this, is by putting on a pair of headphones. Its not pretty especially if your using video but it does work.

P.S. I've never used the video aspect of it though

Just wanted to add that I use skype mac to windows video chatting everyday and I have no problems with quality. I would say audio is great and video is good.

Skype does do full screen video conferencing btw.

Also if you are having audio reverb problems get a bluetooth headset like you have for your phone and use it. (works great)


oh and i forgot to add if you have a intel mac just bootcamp it and then u can you live messenger if you feel that is better!
... intel mac just bootcamp it and then u can you live messenger if you feel that is better!
Absolutely. I've not tried to use chatting on them, but the VMware Fusion beta should work. Parallels might. That'lll keep you from having to shut down and reboot.