Help? What's happened to classic?


I was working this morning and was attempting to launch a URL from within Eudora for OS X. I'd forgotten that for some reason it tries to open links with IE 5.1 for OS 9, not X...very strange, but immediately started launching IE in Classic...I let it continue launching and in the mean time I had started launching OmniWeb so I could view the IE was finishing launching, I switched to the splash screen and hit "Command Q" a few times, reasoning that when the app finished launching, it would catch the quit command and go away. (I know that's not quite the right thing to do, I just have a bad habit of doing it when I launch an app inadvertently.) And boy, did it go away...OS X refuses to see my OS 9 system folder as a valid startup I can't launch classic, and I can't boot into 9. Major pain...if anyone has any ideas that can save me a re-install of OS 9, that would be great...I've got a few tight deadlines this afternoon that require I work in classic, so if a re-install is necessary it will just have to be done, but if there's some way to fix my existing OS 9 folder, I'd rather do that.

I'm running OS 10.1.2 and 9.2.2 (Classic) on a G4/733 if it helps. Thanks...
Ok, here's a few suggestions.

1) Full shut down and restart
2) Startup off the 9.2 CD, and run Disk First Aid
3) You may be able to "fudge" a blessed folder temporarily by backing up your old system file (just name it "System Backup") and drop a known good System file in from a bootable CD.
*Note: that's really a temporary fix, you should reinstall 9.2.1 when you get the chance. Remember, you don't have to reinstall everything you can selectively install just the OS. (About 30 minutes)

Let us know what happens...
A similar thing happened to me yesterday.
I booted into 9.1 for a few hours to work vith cubase VST and ReCycle (on a separate HD from os X and Classic).

Then I booted back into X , classic wouldn't start, it didn't recognize the 9.2.1 System on the same disk as i have X.
I ran the disk tools from the 10.1 CD , it didn't help.

I could however boot from the 9.2.1 system, but not use it from Classic.
I re-installed 9.2.1 and then it worked again.

when do we get ProTools and Reason and Rebirth and cubase.......


OS9 is *OUTDATED*.... Please tell us something, oh writers of great musical software!

PS: Don't carbonize it, please take advantage of osx's multithread friendly cocoa enviroment, and the new IO kit which allows for zero-latentsy (sp?).

Ahh well... troll on kilowatt ;-)
I just did a you said about 30 min. Oh well, the strange thing is, when I was running off of the OS 9 CD I went to my Startup Disk control panel just for kicks...and low and behold, it showed my "unblessed" System Folder. The weird thing was it showed it as a 9.1 System folder...I've got a 733 G4, it shipped with 9.2 on that's strange. So that problem is fixed.

I'd like to see an X version of protools my self...but what is this csound?

Thanks for all the help guys...
> "but what is this csound"
Check out

From the Csound faq:
1.0 What is Csound?

Csound is a software synthesis package in the tradition of so-called music-N languages, among which the best-known is Music V.

It consists of an orchestra- and score-driven executable, written in C for portability.

Since Csound is a computational language, it is highly flexible and efficient; complexity is gained only at the expense of computation time.

Basically Csound reads some files and creates the result as a soundfile on disk or, on faster machines, realtime through a DAC.