Help with Airport Extreme


Hi, I just got my first Mac an IbookG4 w/airport extreme, i'm trying to get it to connect thru a Belkin 7230 wireless router and can't get them to "see" each other. Any Help would be Excellent. :(
Couples of ways to go:

1) Lose the Belkin. The Airport can be your router. This is the easiest to configure since the WAN IP usually gets set automatically from your broadband provider. Configure LAN with the appropriate subnet (ie and DHCP.

2) Make the Airport sit behind the Belkin. You will have no cable plugged into the WAN port. Plug the Airport LAN into your hub/switch. Say your Belkin is with a mask of Config your Airport with a fixed IP address (even if the Belkin is doing DHCP) ... say For DNS either enter the IP of your Belkin or the actual DNS servers (depending on if the Belkin can proxy DNS requests).

Also, be sure to setup security. Use WPA (not WEP) if possible.

Can give more details if you need em
I don't think LuckyKeefer is saying he has boh an iBook AND an Airport Extreme Base Station. I believe he is saying he has an iBook with an Airport Extreme CARD in it and cannot connect to his wireless router (the belkin...)

If that is the case....

He should initially physically connect his iBook via the ethernet port to a LAN (regular ethernet port) port on the Belkin and use the browser http address of his router that is probably somewhere in his Belkin documentation to 'set up" the router. Once properly configured, i.e., set for DHCP (if appropriate....some DSLs require PPPoE...), wireless security initially OFF, etc. Once you do this and make an internet connection, it is usually only a matter of turning on airport and disconnecting the ethernet cable to establish a wireless connection.