Help with Bellsouth Fastaccess DSL


4down Productions
I just got Bellsouths DSL up and running in os9 ... bellsouth tells me that osx support is not availiable yet..there has to be some way around this....any input would be helpful....

4down Productions
the main purpose of a router is to allow 2 or more computers to share a single isp connection. but they also enable automatic connection thru a combination of their settings and the network settings in osx. they run about $70 to $120 US for a simple 4 port (meaning up to 4 shared lines). both lynksys and SMC are good affordable brands. once configured, you never have to 'connect' to the net again. just open an app and go. you will think you are connected 24/7!! I would buy one even with one computer now that i know how they work. they often come with a built in firewall, which can be good or bad depending on your view.

what else do you need to know?
BellSouth may not support OSX, but I was at a friend's house recently (I don't have BellSouth, but he does), and simply created a location (in the network control panel) that included his login information in PPPoE, and (BANG) in 2 seconds I was connected and surfing. This was with my iBook, BTW, and no additional software was required.

That said, you probably should go for the router/firewall/NAT solution - it's a bit safer from an intrusion standpoint than running "naked" on the net...
hmm, that might actually be a better solution if it works. don't forget that osx also has a built in firewall that can be configured fairly easily by several 3rd party apps (or so they claim). that might be worth trying. I was never at that point, having already gotten the router while still using os 9.
i don't beleive that osx is noticing the usb dsl modem. under my network settings built-in ethernet is the only active port. and the pppoe is trying to connect thru that. i am very frustrated and confused at this point... any ideas would be very helpful...thanks
I tried the same thing you mentioned and wasn't able to connect using OSX. Still not sure why OSX and BellSouth can't talk to one another. If I had another choice I'd dump BellSouth. I will be getting a router as soon as I can scrape up a little extra cash, but in the meantime it sure would be nice to be able to use OSX with DSL. Anyone have any suggestions?
Is USB the only way to connect to the modem? Is there an ehternet port on it? I hav noticed that most USB DSL modems come with both. It seems like the problem is that BellSouth has no OS X drivers for the modem, but if there is an ethernet port on the modem you dont need a driver and can connect with a CAT 5 cable instead.
BellSouth gives you a choice between an Ethernet or USB modem. Mine's an Ethernet modem; the original poster has a USB modem. To me, there's no logical reason why I shouldn't be able to connect if I set up my PPPoE, etc. right. But it ain't happening.