help with diablo 2 installation


Hey people! i need help installing diablo 2... i'm currently running on os X 10.3.9 system. I tried using the mac os x installing untility from blizzard but the install cd cant be detected when trying to install. When i insert the install cd, the ibook just spits it out. Anyone knows what is the cause? I tried installing starcraft by i also have the same problem of no insallation cd detected. All help will be greatly appreciated:) thanks
I´ve got exactly the same problem with diablo2, starcraft and broodwar. No idea why but my MacBook does the same. If I find the solution, I´ll tell you
if you can boot into Classic. If you can then install it under Classic, once you have, go back into OS X and run the patch.
You dont' need classic to run Diablo 2 install. On the mac osx site, use the update and search Diablo 2 Installation Patch, there u can run any version of the latest mac osx. it will download a D2Installer program n ask u to insert the cds. good luck!
Not to be rude, but I think they have already tried that. It's right there in the first post.