The problem, as you may have guessed, is that the source code for one of the packages that mc depends on appears to have moved. What happens is this: the packages that tell Fink how to download, compile, and install Fink change are constantly being updated, and so it would be impossible to release a new Fink every time things are updated. So instead, you can have Fink download the updated instructions with the following:
fink selfupdate
You might have to answer a few setup questions, but I remember that this was pretty straight forward. Anyway, this will even check to see if there is a new Fink itself and download and install it for you if need be. After you have done that, you should try typing
fink list
fink list | grep "(i)"
to see if anything you have currently installed needs updating (like new source downloaded, compiled, and installed). To actually update them, you can then update them with a single
fink update-all
or package by package with
fink update thepackageyouwanttoupdate
You don't really need to check what needs updating if you don't want to and just jump to the update-all, but personally I like seeing what's new.
Now you can try
fink install mc
and install mc and all of it's dependencies. This will take a while. A very long while.
Hope this helps...