help with macbook pro please!!!


I need someone to help me figure out how to create newsletters, banners, signs and calendars incorporating graphics and charts! I have a macbook pro, OSX leopard i believe 10.0? i got it last year soooo....Please help in anyway possible.

Your machine will not be running 10.0 - Leopard is 10.5. To see exactly what version click on the apple menu (top left of screen) and select 'about this mac'. Let us know the processor speed, ram and system version as these help us help you.

To create newsletters ,banners, signs, calendars etc. you will need some sort of design/layout/word processing software.

A reasonable and quite inexpensive solution might be iWork, Apple's office suite. It costs about $80. You can also get Microsoft Office for mac which should do for newsletters. charts etc but is less good for the layout stuff than iWorks. This costs about $400.

If you want to spend more the best graphics package is Adobe's CS suite - which is a professional grade package but costs from $1400 to $2500.

Finally you can get equivalents of all of these for free. There is OpenOffice the free office suite. Try NeoOffice which is a version designed for Mac. That will do a lot of what you need if you teach yourself how to us it. For more graphics orientated stuff there is Inkscape, a free vector illustration package and GIMP, a photo editing package. Neither are that easy to use but they are free!

Whatever happens you are going to have to do some learning about how to use whatever programs you go for.