Help with printing to Windows shared printer please...


Wasn't sure which area to post this....

I have two printers (one is an Epson R300 and the other is an HP LJ1320) that are hooked to a Windows XP Pro machine on my network. These are shared using the standard Windows sharing.

I went through some setup and had both printers setup on my Mac (iMac 24", 10.4.8) and was able to print to them. But I couldn't do everything the printers were capable of or the drivers showed, so I thought I need to do update drivers. I went to the Epson and HP sites, downloaded the current drivers and installed them. I ended up losing both printers, so I had to set them up again. The Epson showed up and I added it, but when I try to print to it I get an error (Connection Failed NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED). I don't have any security or anything setup, and it was working before, so not sure what's up.

I then try to install the HP printer and when I go to the machine it is on, it isn't there. I checked the Windows machine and it is shared. I unshared, saved and reshared to make sure. Rebooted both the Windows machine and the Mac. Nothing.

I am back on the Mac after quite a hiatus (last time I was on a mac was System 6!) so I am still learning. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.