Anybody know how sortWithSelector from NSMutableArray works!?
I don't I'm trying to write a method that sorts a list of menu items by name and then adds them, but I don't know what the format of a method called by sortWithSelector should be in. Could anybody help me?
Well, I looked at the documentation (you meant to say <code>sortUsingSelector</code>, right?) and I can understand your confusion. You have to implement a method that compares an object (itself) to another object and return a result. The method should look something like this:
<code>- (NSComparisonResult)compareid)obj</code>
<code>NSComparisonResult</code> is an enum type and defines the constants <code>NSOrderedAscending</code>, <code>NSOrderedSame</code>, and <code>NSOrderedDescending</code>. I guess you could return an <code>int</code> instead if you wanted.
Is this at all helpful to you or did I misunderstand your question?