

Hi guys, I messed up OS X.. :p Here's what i did, i was messing around with the Extras.rsrc file, took it out of where it is supposed to be, (Under root) and I accidentally logged out with no extras.rsrc file under thme carbon.frameworks directories...I have tried everything, it wont boot from a 9.1 cd, it wont let me MV or CP the file back into the directory when i boot into single user mode, i lost my 10.1 cd so i can't reinstall x on my ipod...i have disconnect my hard drives, and it still wont look for the 9 disc....and basically what happens when it starts up in X now, i dont get a login screen..cause there are no frameworks :p In single-user mode, (command-s) is there anything i can do to fix says when I try to mv the file that it is a read only file system?? Is there anyway to get a terminal with full root access, and I did "su root" in single user mode, still didn't help with the read-only error, I even tried using OTHER themes that i have with that extras.rsrc file in it, and it still does not want to move because of the read only thing....please help!! Thanks for all your other help in the past, everyone :)
put your 9.1 or X CD in and when it restarts hold the 'C' key down to boot off the CD. If that still doesnt work, hold 'option' while booting up. Hope that helps.

Originally posted by AJaX
it says when I try to mv the file that it is a read only file system??
When you say you use "su root" do you mean that you actually su yourself? I thought "su username" was a way of su'ing another user... (but then again I know very little about UNIX). I just type "su", and then put in the password.

I think you need to use chmod to give the directorys and files ownerships/permissions that match your own, and then move them.

Also, try moving this post to the UNIX forum or the OS X support forum. You'll get people who know more than me there ;o)

Bernie :eek:)
Hey guys, When I try to chmod, chown, anything it just says "Read only file system" that's it....even when I su root, am i supposed to just "su [pass]?"
but how does it know what user? Thanks for the help so far...I have tried 'option' and that only gives me the mac os x drive that is messed up :p hehe
1) try just "su". Does it work?

2) Post in the UNIX forum asing how to change the user you are logged in as if 1) doesn't work.

Failing that: my honest advice? find your X CD, 'cos you be fucked... ;o)

I think you may have to reinstall. Hope you can back up from the mode you're in.

Bernie :eek:)
I was thinking of reinstalling a version of X on my iPod, then starting up, moving the Extras.rsrc file to the correct directory on my real hard drives..Thanks for all your help, I posted this in the unix forum
It seems to me that when you boot into single-user mode, there's some instructions for making the filesystem writable (but I can't remember what they are) . Unfortunately, I'm on a PeeWee right now, so I can't check. Anyway, I don't THINK I'm smoking crack. Check it out. good luck.