

Unemployed Student!
Does anyone have a utility for recovering a 700 MB + folder that just disappeared on my comp?! (I don't even know if it has been trashed!) This freaks me out, more than 700 MB of data lost, probably even a gigabyte.....

i'm on OS 9 btw

Plz help me , i'd be really grateful! I need those files

When I search for any files that were inside the folder, it finds nothing

i'm really panicking!

Are you running something from Norton? That happened to a friend of mine. It kindy stored it away for him, invisibly. :(
Yes I am running Norton antivirus and norton disk doctor but I removed the norton extension which scans for damaged files when the comp is shutdown or at regular intervals

How did he find his files??
Actually, it was under OS X, but he said the files were under some trash folder Norton put them in.
Bah I guess i'll just forget it

I tried rebuilding the desktop (the file was on the desktop, forgot to mention) but it wouldn't have the folder reappear
I really don't know what else to do now, i'm screwed, i'll live with it I suppose
If you have the $60 you could get Disk Warrior. I hear it kicks butt (don't have it myself yet) and their customer support is top notch. I even called them about a firewire problem I was having at work and they were helpful, though they couldn't do much for me.

Make sure you don't save any files before you can locate your missing files--you might accidentally write over them. Norton has an UnErase utility in the Tools, but it's very unreliable. I would give it a shot. Also, try Apple's Disk First Aid. Sometimes it can uncover serious disk problems that Norton doesn't see. The files might just magically reappear. The last resort is take the drive to a data recovery service and unless you have saved over the data, it should still be there.

One last thing to try is a "find file" using sherlock. Type in a name of the folder or a file in that folder and see what comes up. Also, if the folder is still there, try listing the files inside it by name. Sometimes if they are listed by icon they can be placed outside your folder's viewing window. That's a handy feature, eh?!

Hope some of this helps. Let us all know how it turns out!
Why not try looking for the folder with resedit to see if the folder is invisible? Just download Resedit from or the Apple website and use the Get Info comman or sth like that to look for the folder and change it's info ... There should be a tickbox that says invisible, that is if the folder really is invisible.

And did you notice an increase in your availible HD space? If that hasn't changed, the folder can't be deleted.

Greetz and good luck!