

I am running a macbook intel core2duo ... osx 10.4 tiger... I had a HDD crash and had to install a new hdd and re-install osx...

So let me start from the beginning...

When I download a software, it downloads a .dmg file..

I click the .dmg file and a virtual disk opens..

I click the virtual disk and a window opens up with the icons in it..

- Here is where the problem starts -

Programs that run an actual install I have no problem with..

But, programs that you just drag and drop the icon into the folder you want to run it from (ie. Applications) wont open to run..

I have run disk utilities and repaired permissions, no help...


Do they download into your applications?

If they do, what does "Get Info" show with regards to your permission--can you access?

When I drag them to applications they do go there no problem... When I click on them to run them they briefly magnify as usual.. but do not run and do not show up in the dock..
What dost thou seeth when thou clicketh "Get Info?"

While this is for a picture, let us know what you see on the bottom:


Ownership & Permissions.. you can: read & write
Details... Owner access: read & write
Group access: read only
others: real only
Have you updated--with ComboUpdate to 10.4.11? Some applications only work on the higher versions of 10.4.

Yes im at 10.4.11 ... Its a weird problem.. I have been a mac user for 2 years now and have never come across this.. and I cant find any solutions on google or apple...
I have a feeling it is pretty simple. I am just not a savy-Guru that can help. :(

Anyways, when you draggeth the Application to the folder, it did ask for your password to "load?" Correct? Then it is in your folder but you cannot open it.

The ONLY think similar I had was 'bad ram" which occurred--coincidentally--with my HD failing in my Widdle Pismo. So I would get "bouncing icons" as well. However, I would also get kernal panics and other indications that "something is wrong."

It will not help me, but it might help a Guru if you:

  • 1. List what the applications that FAIL are.
    2. Check your Console to see what happens when you try to open them.

When I drag it to the application folder it does not ask for my password, nor has it ever... The applications are cyberduck ftp, fetch ftp and others... as I said the only ones that open up are the ones that run an installer..

Doctor X... Thanks for all your help... I appreciate it.. If I find a solution I will post it here..
Sorry . . . had my own glitch there. I am someone surprised that you were able to add the Applications without typing in your password. I am wondering if you are actually "in" your account. Try logging out and loging back in.

Otherwise, capture the Console reports when you start an application that bounces and dies.

Ok here is the console report...

===== Tuesday, January 27, 2009 7:31:19 PM Canada/Eastern =====
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/
Reason: image not found
Jan 27 19:31:23 fraser-wrights-computer crashdump[229]: Transmission crashed
Jan 27 19:31:23 fraser-wrights-computer crashdump[229]: crash report written to: /Users/fraserwright/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Transmission.crash.log
Problem solved.. missed a security update 2008-008 ... It had a file needed to open the programs...

Doctor X.. Thank you so much for your help.. didnt think to look at the console report... thats what tipped me off... appreciate it..
No problem! Been there when the Mac has not worked, and I was happy to have quick help. Happy to return the favor.
