

I have a big probleme. I don't know how to get MAC OS 10.1 to recognize MY HP 8200 series CD-R. I have the ToastTitanium 5.1P2 and i don't know what to do to get it to see my CD-R. It was working pretty well under Mac0s 9.2.1 but i decided to do a clean install of 10.1. Please somebody Help me


Imac Bondi Blue 233mhz
196mb RAM
4gb HD
Mac OS 10.1

I'm not familiar enough with X yet to tell you exactly where to check for drivers for supported CD-R's...but I'd still check and make sure it works under 9.2.1...just boot up in 9 and see if it sees the CD-R. I'm sure it will, then you can continue to just burn that way until there's a driver for your CD-R.

You might also check HP's site. To my surprise when i was looking for a printer driver for a friends LaserJet (he's not running OS X yet) I noticed they also had the driver for that printer for OS X.
yeah it was working under mac os 9.2.1 but i got rid of it, now i am stuck with 10.1 only. About HP site forget it they've never supported my 8200 serie under mac OS, anyway, so there is no driver for it there. I only need mac os 10.1 to recognize it when i plug it to my usb port
Think of this way.

if you install classic it is your built in default for emergency.

Windows has DOS for that, but you have to keep a real dos floppy around for NT and above....

without some of the "mac standard apps", you are still going to run into difficulty.

Anyway, you should prowl around on the manufacturers site as well as read every dock about the built-in support for burners. from adaptec and from Apple

Maybe the preview for Toast needs a re-install or they have not yet implemented your model or worse dropped it from the support list.

We would hope that HP is on the case as well.
What kind of drive is it ? SCSI, USB or firewire ?
If it's SCSI adaptec said that apple has not implemeneted something in the kernal for SCSI CD-Rs yet.

If it is Firewire or USB try unplugging it wrile in OS X and replug it in. My external firewire HD wasnt recognized (but thank to plug and p[lay) once I di this it immediatelly showed up.

If non of teh above email HP and ask em for drivers ;)

There is a website that Apple maintains that has a list of all the supported FireWire and USB CD burners. I know this is just for iTines, but it stands to reason that these are the same ones that are recognized by OS X itself.

It is important to note that the manufacturer of the whole unit is not necessarily important, but just the name of the actual internal mechanism. Toast will tell you this info, back in OS 9. Just check if yours is supported. Mine is on the list, but unfortunately it is one marked by an asterisk*

* denotes drives not compatible with OS X

Hope this helps!
Originally posted by jimr
Anyway, you should prowl around on the manufacturers site as well as read every dock about the built-in support for burners. from Adaptec and from Apple

Maybe the preview for Toast needs a re-install or they have not yet implemented your model or worse dropped it from the support list.
Just for info, starting in January (with Mac OS 10.2), Adaptec will use Apple's driver for Toast Titanium X, and not their home brewed one anymore. (I guess that means that the Apple drivers will finally be up to par and reliable...)

That is to say... if you want your drive supported, write to Apple !!!

In the meantime, Shadowarrior, backup your drive and reinstall Mac OS Classic ! ;)