help :)


ok guys get ready for the ride. I just bought a 867 g4 great machine. Well I am about to get internet installed in my house. I live in the middle of no where in Nevada. Since they don't have dsl or cable modem they dont even have cable period. Directv for everyone which isn't really a bad thing. They do however off what is called wireless internet. They have like 4 towers here and every who can afford it gets high speed internet from them. The installer comes and puts a atenna up and then runs coax cable down to a cisco aero-net wireless bridge. From there they run cat-5 cable to a hub and then the hub provides internet to how many computers I want to hook up to it. Ok so here is the problem...well not so much of a problem...but just something I am wondering will work how i want it to. I have a Gateway win 98 box a Packard Bell win me box and a powermac g4 tower running OSX 10.1. I want all of the computers to be able to be on the internet at the same time if I so choose. Another thing I want to do is use the packard bell computer to act as soem sort of file-server. I want to store all of my mp3's on it, and then have the g4 and the gateway box be able to stream ( lack of a better word) mp3's I store on the packard bell at anytime. I really dont want the gateway box and g4 to be able to share files with each other...but be able to write to and get stuff off of the packard bell. I also have some more isp says it doesnt support servers, well when I had bellsouth dsl in atlanta they said it in their terms also but they never acted on them. I was wondering is it possible for my current isp to be able to knwo if I am running a small ftp server to let friends get on from time to time to download a few pics and what not. Thanks in advance for an replies...even if you dont have a solid answer to any of my questions bits and pieces are better than no someone point me in the right direction.
1) Use a Windows Box as router, it should be no problem ... That machine will have to be online constantly but after that, you can just configure your other computers to go online 'through' the PC ... If you want I can look up a name of a stable application that works (I know some people who use it :)

2) It shouldn't be a problem to login with your Mac to the PC so you can just use relative locations for streaming if you want :)

3) ISP's usually don't say anything to servers. Some ISP are really strict about that and use proxy's. Unless your upstream usage gets really high (several Gb's/Day) you will get a msg from your ISP saying you have to stop it or they will disconnect you or sth like that ... But if you use it for pictures bandwith usage shouldn't be too big so I don't see a problem :)

ok I am lost could you clarify your answer. I dont wnat to use a windows box as a router..I already have one...I am goign to have all 3 computers hooked up to the linksys router. I want to be able to access files from my packard bell windows machine from my gateway win98 machine and my powermac g4 tower running osx 10.1
No prob, here's how you share files on a pc (windows).

get into the network control panel, and under 'Configuration' click "File and Print Sharing".

Select the "I want others to have access to my files"

Next, close the network control panel, do whatever the pc tells you (insert cd, restart, make coffee, etc).

Ok, so we have winblows file sharing enabled. But we still have to share a volume.

open up 'my computer' (or your computer, depends on how you look at this one ;-). Right click on the drive you want to share. Select "sharing..."

Enable read-only access (you can do the full access thing, but if you don't need it, well, its windows, so ya never know...). Supply a password, and try not to forget it. Name the share something, like 'c', or 'mp3s'

Ok, now reboot or whatever it makes you do, and determine its ip address (start --> run --> winipcfg --> select your network adaptor and write down ip address).

Clean hands. This is always necessary when going from your pc to your mac.

On the macintosh, within Mac OS X 10.1 (10.0.x will not work), press apple-k within the finder, or click the 'go' menu, and select 'Connect to server...'.

Don't expect to see the winblows pc show up here, it doesn't normally do that.

Ok, now, type in this:


Where is the pc's ip address or resolvable name (possably computer name, don't know if that works), and 'c' is the share name.

Press 'connect'. Notice that up to this point we still have not had to re-boot the macintosh. Ok, on this screen, don't worry about the username, or workgroup/domain. Just make sure to type the password correctly. One done, click ok, and the pc drive will be mounted, and visible on your desktop.

On your other pc, right click on the network neiborhood, select 'map network drive'.

Under 'Drive:' select or type the windows drive letter you want to correspond with the drive. Think of this as its mount point (something like z: is usually fine and available).

Under path, type something like this:

Where mp3server is the computer name, resolvable name, or ip address of the server, and mp3s is the share name on the server.

Hope this helps, and if you wish to automate this process, get into the terminal and type 'man smbutil'. Knock your self out, and don't hesitate to ask any questions that come up.

PS: No, I will not, nor can I mail you my 'windows 98 setup cd'.
PPS: I haven't had a windows computer of my own since my compaq 486 with 3.11 on it. I know all this from my unfortunate win32 'friends'. lol
if you want to see how much you can do, compile nmap on your mac (, I believe), and nnmap your ip address. If it comes back with lots of 'filtered' ports, your isp probably will not let you do anything with those ports.
man I dot know what I a doing wrong. I set-up the computer to share it's files. I am sharing the c: file or whateva..and I know it is sharing it cause there is a little hand under the folder. Well when I go to my mac and try and connect I put smb:// the little cd rom animation comes up showing that it is busy then a error message pops up saying no file servies are availavle at the URL smb://
Try again later or try a different url. Whats up...also when I got into my network neighborhood on the computer I have sharing it can see it I know it's sharing also that whats up :(

Got a few possable answers:

1) although the drive is c:, its name is something different like cdrive. Don't know, though, this probably isn't it.

2) Your computer doesn't have any access at all to the winblows computer, thus it wouldn't even be able to ping it (use the terminal, ping (host)).

3) You are running Mac OS X 10.0.x, instead of Mac OS X 10.1.x. 10.1 has the built in smb client.

4) Have you tried connecting from the other winblows pc to your mp3/windows pc? If that doesn't work, we might be on to something.

Also, if you know what port(s) SMB uses, try connecting to them from the mac. Perhaps something is getting in the way.

if smb uses port 113, then:
telnet 113
will not return a host not found, or 'connection refused'.
I think smb is listed in the /etc/services file, so perhaps
cat /etc/services | grep smb
will reveal the correct port.

The fact that you can see the computer in the mp3 server's network slum is an indication that the smb server is running. If you are on the mp3 server, can you connect to it, not via the network slum, but by right clicking on the network neiborhood, selecting map network drive, and typing in \\\c\ or whatever? Could be a subnet issue.

Post your results, please. I want to know what it is, too.
lol I got up this mornign thinking I would mess around with it somemore and still get no where. Well I remember you telling me to try the ip number to the server or just the computer name. Well I tried smb://Com1/c/ and it connected...yippie. I put in Winworkgroup as the workgroup when it prompted me to put it in..and then I just put in the password I gave the file-and print sharing on the windows computer...yippie it worked. Now my question is....everytime I start up my apple computer..will the windows drive still be mounted on my hardrive..or will I have to connect each and every time. Is there a way to automate if there is I would be more than grateful if ya took me step by step through this. I know nothing about macs...I just took a 4,161.38 $ curiosity plunge. Also I have my ftp server activated on the do I maek accounts for people to be able to get on it? I ftp to my mac from my windows machine and it took my regular username and password I use to log into my after that I didnt know where to go or do..Cause I know nothing about ftp commands in a terminal window. Imma just get a client for my windows machine and are there and gui style ftp programs for mac? Where I dont have to go all through the terminal window? Umm I think that is all the questions for now. I just want to thank you a TON!!!!!!!!.
heh, cool. Glad you got your files. I didn't know the printers would work, too. Would you mind telling me how to use a windows networked printer?

If you want to automate the process of connecting, its certainly possable to create a script that uses the command 'smbutil'. To see how to use the smbutil, get into a terminal, and type 'man smbutil' (no quotes). Press the space bar to scroll down the 'man' page.

Basically, smbutil is a command-line version of the "Connect to server..." option in the go menu.

I'll have a look at the syntax tomarrow, but if you can't wait, post in one of the macosx open forums, someone will know this one.

As for ftp, just use the System Preferences to add another user. If you need more info on that, just let me know.

Here's a few ftp commands that are pretty usefull.

first off, the popular ftp command-line clients are actually shells arround the true ftp commands. To see what I mean, telnet to your mac to the ftp port (port 21, I think). Type HELP for more info.

But seriously, nobody does that anyway. So, without further ado, here are the popular ftp-shell commands:

op - opens a connection to you can also use open, or either followed by the return key for a (to) prompt.

cd ~/laron8/Documents - this changes the directory to /Users/laron8/Documents. The ~ means 'home directory'.

bin - (or binary), changes file transfer mode to binary. I'd make a habbit of typing this every time. Binary mode isn't necessary for text documents (doc's, rtf, html, etc), but is completely necessary for images, programs, and I believe zip files.

get file.ext - downloads the file called 'file.ext'.

I think you can also use:
get file.ext newfile.ext to download the file 'file.ext' and call it 'newfile.ext'

put index.html - places a file called 'index.html' on your computer to the server. Unless you're in the directory where index.html is, on your client, it might be necessary to give its full path, like:
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.html, or whatever it is.

Generally, with ftp, I cd to the directory I wish to transfer files in and out of before I load ftp up (within the shell, or dos window).

pwd - print working directory. Prints where you are in the remote server.

help - or help command, prints help information.

You'll notice that commands like 'get', 'open', 'put' and others can be used *interativly*, which means you can just type 'put' and it will say '(local file)' and you type int he local file name, then it will say '(remote file)' which is where it will go.

Also, incase you get a knack for real ftp commands, you can send them via a command called 'quote'. (no punn intended, thats what its called).

For instance,:
quote STAT
sends the command STAT to the remote computer.

Most ftp commands have abveriations (if you forget how to spell them, which I frequently do... lol).
such as:
qui quit
op open (I think ope works to, get the idea?)

If you have 'enable remote terminal access' or whatever it is checked in the Sharing control panel (in the system preferences), you can use a command called 'sftp' on another unix or unix-like system to securely download/upload files (prevents people from snooping your files and passwords). Once initiated, its pretty much the same in command structure.

I don't know if there is an sftp package for windows, maybe someone else will chime in here.

And I'll post a step-by-step way of automating the mounting process as soon as I figure one out (probably thursday night).

PS: thats a pretty cool $4161 plunge... what all did you get in your system?
Sorry about that buddy, College can be brain taxing (read my last few posts, you'll see.. not too much brain in them).

Ok, so if you want to mount an smb volume whenever you log in, here are some thoughts:
1) I don't have access to an smb server anymore, so I can't claim anything here to be accurate. So if anyone else wants to jump in here and say "You're so off your rocker..." thats fine, please do.

2) Have you tried making an alias of the drive once it mounts? Take the alias, and stick it in your startup folder or startup items. Whatever it is. Perhaps you can go into the login panel and tell it to automatically load the alias on startup.

3) Create a shell script to mount the smb shares, and stick it somewhere that will get automatically mounted. If you want to have the system mount it on boot (and I don't recomend this because if the smb server doesn't answer you might be left hanging or something), there's more to it and I don't know what that would be ;-)

That said, here's what you can do to create the shell script:

1) execute the following command:
smbutil crypt mypassword > ~/.nsmbrc
Replace 'mypassword' with your smb password. If you have severall smb passwords.. well.. email
Boris Popov <>, <> (the manual says he wrote the darn thing, so he ought to know how to do it).
if you get something like
"smbutil: command not found"
type /usr/bin/smbutil instead of smbutil.

2) make sure that did something, type:
cat ~/.nsmbrc
and it should return (something like this)

3) Ok, so now we have the password stored with easy-break encryption (don't worry, nobody breaks into your computer to get this, they just run rm ~/ -rf or something

4) At this point, you *should* be able to type the following to mount your drives. Try it out, because if it doesn't work, the shell script will fail every time. Type the following:

smbutil login //user@host[/share]

the [share] part is optional, and if you use it, don't use any brackets (eg, smbutil login //kilowatt@wattmeter/ohms).

5) ok, so if I missed something and the above command doesn't work, well, ask for more help or come over and setup your smb server at my place ;-) Believe me, I'd knock my self out trying to get it working.

6) Now for da script. First, cd into your home directory:
cd ~
now type:
cat >
ok, now type the following lines:
echo "This shell script should mount my smb shares"
smbutil login //user@host/share
echo "All done, right?"
echo "Just to make sure, lets list the connections:"
smbutil lc
echo "Thats all folks"

ok, now press control d. This ends your 'catting' and should return you to the command prompt.

7) ok, so great. You have a script. now what?
We gotta make it so it can be executed (ie, run).
I know this works, but it may not be the most elegant or perfect method... type:
chmod 770

8) ok, so now is executable. Try it! type:

9) So, in order to make this something Mac OS X's finder can execute, it has to end with .command
so I'd type:
mv smbscript.command
And unix doesn't care what it ends with, so you can still ./ it.

10) ok, now get into your system preferences (its probably in the dock or something).

Get into the login panel, and under 'startup items' or whatever, click "Add..." and navigate to your smbscript.command file. It should be in your home folder.

Hope this works, and happy smbing to ya.
Please post if it doesn't, I'd like to know how my 4hours of sleep BSing went ;-)

PS: to edit a file you created, use textedit, or pico. To use pico..

pico filename
control-o and return to save
control-x to exit pico.

Later dude, and sorry about the rather *extreme* delay in my postings.