hiding iPod device in iTunes for other users


I like to keep my iPod connected to my dock so that I can charge it. However, this allows my young son to "see" the iPod in his iTunes under "Devices" when he switches to his account on the same Mac. I am worried that he may accidentally sync it with his iTunes or somehow accidentally reset it (even though I have told him not to do anything). Can I "hide" or "lock" the iPod device in his iTunes?

For example, here is what I a was able to do when I logged in to his account and ran iTunes:

1) Change Option settings on my iPod such as "Open iTunes when this iPod is connected", etc. When I logged back into my account, the changed setting were actually changed.
2) I could click the Restore button. A warning came up that it would erase all the content of my iPod and gave me a button to Cancel or Restore. I did not click Restore since I didn't want to erase my iPod.
3) I unselected Movies, TV Show, and Calendars for synching (again in his iTunes). When I went back to the Music library, I got a warning that "Only one library can be synced at a time" and was then given two buttons: "Cancel" or "Erase & Sync". I clicked Cancel since I did not want to erase my iPod.

This is pretty scary, since I don't want my son to be able to access my iPod at all--he is quite young and could accidentally do any of the above as kids sometimes do.
If you eject the iPod in software, on a Mac, I think it still charges, without risk of deleting stuff unless you reboot. I haven't tested this idea, though.