Incidentally, for anyone who still has those old Mac versions of Infocom games, you _can_ use something like jzip to play them. It was pretty obvious, but I had never bothered to look until this morning... Basically, it turns out that the actual data file was kept in, strangely enough, the data fork. And since jzip doesn't recognize anything but, you can simply go to the directory containing the game and type, for example,
Since I don't really trust jzip to not modify the game (I doubt it will, but if it did, and for some bizarre, inexplicable reason I wanted to play the game in OS 9, where would I be?) you can just type (again, for example)
%cp PLANETFALL planetfall.z5
and from then on
%jzip planetfall.z5
This will just keep the data fork part of the program, since cp isn't resource fork aware.
-Bruce Adcock