Homepage settings won't stick. Resets itself :(


Just a quick question to see if you guys can help me out.

I've tried to set my homepage to some other site (in system prefs>internet) and when I click home in Safari it will go there, but as soon as i quit and re-open the browser it will pop back to the old page..

First it was only doing this in IE but now also in Chimera and in Safari...

Anyone know what this is?
Do I need to reset the permission somewhere?

Thx for any help ;) ;)
Note: Moved from Mac OS X System and Misc. Software forum -- Safari is a 'net app


twister --- yep I have done that. somehow neither work.

It seems like the programs don't have write permissions... but i wouldn't know where to look.

dktrickey - cool, I'l remember for next time. ;)
well. it wasn't it :(

After a restart back to square one. It still resets back to the old settings. Very wierd. :confused:

Would it have anything to do with me having put my home folder on another partition of my harddrive?