Horizontal Scroll On Teminal & Windows Movie Maker 2 Alternative For Mac


1. I just want to ask if there is any Terminal like application that has a Horizontal Scroll?

2. Is there any app simillar to Windows Movie Maker 2 for Mac?

Thanks in advance!
What do you mean "Terminal-like?"

As above, the iLife suite will more than replace any so-called "movie maker" Microsoft has to offer.
So.. it does the same thing terminal does? It looks like Terminal? What do you want this app to do, and look like?
It's About The Terminal Not Having A Horizontal Scroll (Feature) Or Maybe There Is But I Don't Know How To Make It Appear Somehow. I Was Asking If There's Any Terminal Like App That Allows Horizontal Scrolling Rather Than Wrapping The Text. Which Makes It Confusing To Read.
Movie Maker was developed as a reaction to the industry bomb-shell that was iMovie. iMovie is now on v.6.