HOT: change partition sizes without erasing disc

kanecorp said:
the demo of partition magic lets u tell it what you want to do to your disks..but then when u say GO, it says..opps, you can't actually do anything in the demo.
And they really called it demo? I think screenshot would fit much better to this
The thing with the second partition is - as mentioned before - to have proper os installation which won't mix up when they are on the same partition. It's true an external disc would do much better, but if you already have a huge disc in your mac and don't want to spend another $200, I would rather partition the disc. Also when your system seems pretty much messed and not bootable; when you have 2 partitions and not even any second os installed, you can temporally install macosx on the second partition and check out what's wrong with your previous system (when you are not familiar with the single user commands).
However, in these days disc space seems not to be an issue. I have a 60gb disc in my tibook and I am not even using 40% of it.
Another thing I like to have to partitions: VPC. I dropped the VPC "disc" on my second partition to avoid any kind of messing with my system partition.
Last but not least: in the windows world it was very much recommended to have small partitions since the waste of space was bigger, the bigger the current partition was. I don't know if this one affects HFS as well
Just use the iPod as an external, if you're going to have one already. I have my entire hard drive backed up to my iPod, along with freelance work I've done. I have a 40 and about half of it is filled with music, about 10 for my backups and 10 free.
I also have a Maxtor external disc where I keep backups of my freelance work, all of it, my video stuff not yet burned to dvd and a copy of my entire music selection in case my iPod is ever lost or stolen (I prefer not to keep the music on the hard drive where it eats space).
As Zammy said, with space these days, running out of space isn't usually a problem.
And finally, I have a backup of library and bookmarks on .Mac and a dvd backup of my hard drive that I keep at the office in case there's ever a fire or the Mac is lost/stolen.