hotmail classic


how do i revert back to hotmail classic?
it used to have an option.i don't know how i screwed this up again..please any ideas?
I share your pain, but I do not think you can do it. However, it seems to be working fine, now, on Safari with even Adblocking--using Safari Stand.

FireFox? It no work so good. Just another M$ screwing around trying to make you wish you had a PC with IE.

how do i revert back to hotmail classic?
it used to have an option.i don't know how i screwed this up again..please any ideas?

When I was trying to figure out that very same thing, all I found was that it seemed that M$ allowed the option to revert back to Classic only for a limited period as their grand design is to gradually change all Hotmail accounts over to the new look.

So, AFAIK, we've gotta learn to love it, oh yeah, and use IE :rolleyes: