How about a email addy? or

Would you Switch? (read posting)

  • Yes, a mail addy.

  • Yes, a mail addy.

  • No, sticking with .Mac

  • No, going with my ISPs or Other

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Staff member
Well, with the high price of keeping mail address, how about an email address with the same stuff, webmail, pop & imap, 15meg of space, or

$1/month, plus $1 for CC processing fees, $12.99/year? Lot cheaper than $49/$99. Of course, Apple probably has the best deal, but another solution for you. Helps us raise some money for the site.

Depending upon interest, I might just offer it.

I'd love to have and $13 bucks would be fine too.

See, that's simple... A business deal... I'm a consumer, I pay, Admin sells a service everybody is happy.

As a bonus gets to generate some money. It's a win win situation. ;)
I think I'd do it. sounds great, but so does! which should I do? maybe I should get both! or I could get my own domain name...

What to do, what to do...

but I think this is a great idea.
or how about this...something FREE! isnt that waht we are all looking for? isnt that why everyone is so damn mad at apple charging for our email and webhosting when they promised us free for life?
That is a very reasonable price Mister Admin......

I already have free email that is world class quality, but thanks.

As far as the email account management button on [as per the instructions on that web page] , it doesnt exist on my side, but that would be nice if it did.
To convert your trial account to email-only, go to Click Account in the .Mac menu bar, then click the Email Account Management button. Enter the member name and password of the trial account you'd like to convert, then click Convert.

I didn't see anything like this...
I don't know why people make such a fuss with those things. There'll always be a free E-Mail account. If you can't find one right now, get one at ... Now of course it's bad to switch addresses every few months, just because this or that service turns into a pay-only service or vanishes from the net completely. But there are several ways out!

If you own a domain - or know somebody who does - you can choose an address from that domain. For example, I'm using The domain is hosted by (the DNS settings). I pay good money for the domain, but it includes E-Mail forwarding. I can set '' to be forwarded to my Hotmail- or GMX-account, and if I change the free service, I just adapt the DNS settings at

In my E-Mail application, I can set the sender address, basically, to anything I want, so why not to ''? Ah! And of course I'm using the SMTP server of my ISP, which always lets me send mail from my IP, since I'm belonging to its network anyway, whatever sender address I'm using.
To convert your trial account to email-only, go to Click Account in the .Mac menu bar, then click the Email Account Management button. Enter the member name and password of the trial account you'd like to convert, then click Convert.

I didn't see anything like this...

Same here... nuthin'...


An addition to the .mac Help section discusses Converting your .Mac trial account to an email-only account, which will presumably be free; all other iTools-stored information will be deleted. At press time, however, the options for completing the procedure are not yet in place.
Free?? Really?? But I saw that if you join .Mac and you can have the ability to add up to 10 5MB email-only account at 10 bucks per year... So... are they sure what if it is really free to have a email-only account??
I think the bottom line is, people are not going to pay for what they honestly feel they deserve for free. Case in point, webmail.

From the first time we dialed up, we were offered free webmail from iTools, Hotmail, Yahoo and many many others. We've become acustom to this. It's like restrooms or drinking fountains, nobody would ever expect to have to pay to use them.

Also, so many free alternatives to .mac webmail exist. They could make it $1 a month and people would likely bitch less but still wouldn't subscribe to it. How can we be expect to pay for a service when a free substitue to it exists?

I wouldn't be surprised to see Apple retool their .mac plan. One might wonder if they didn't create this uproar just to offer webmail for free in the end and appear as if they were the hero. It could easily be a stunt to guage user's reaction.

In anycase, hopefully the negative user feedback will make them rethink this mistake and offer atleast a basic webmail service for their customers.
Yes, but since the first time Steves said email would be free for life and now they change iTools to .Mac in order to ignore those lawyers... And it is really hard to switch my email address...

Anyway, I think I am going to join one account and figure out how to switch my other 2 accounts into email-only accounts.
Im not sure where anyone got the idea that email accounts are free. Most people get one with their ISP... it's not free, you pay for the service, you get the address.

During the Internet hayday, when "everything is free" web based mail accounts were free. But most of these didn't include pop accounts, IMAP or larger mail space. Of course, as with most free things on the Internet, many of those sites no longer offer services. provided more than webmail, they provided pop/imap, and webmail (well at least recently). I agree, Apple should split out the email accounts from the rest of their services.

As for this site... we are thinking of offering them to raise money, not make money. I imagine Apple just wants to cover their cost and if they could make boat loads of cash while doing it, great for their investors right?

the thing is like this:
you pay for .mac, youget 1 email account. every extra $10 per year is another 5 mb email account. if you only pay the $10 a year, you get 1 email acount and nothing else (no idisk or anything) and you pay $10 more per year for every account. I personally am not willing to pay $40 a year for email accounts (4 people in my family need email). So how many email accounts do you get with this service? if its only one, I'll go buy a domain.
Let's see...

Buy your own domain...

$99/year for hosting, $8.95 for the domain... each year.

Yea, I suppose, you might save a few pennies if you have multiple mail accounts.

$5 a month for hosting
free domain name registration
unlimited email accounts, space, and data transfer.

(If you want to see what I mean, go Here
WARNING: business website, do not go if you are offended by other businesses :) j/k)
Holy Crap! I think I might just do this just so I know that I have a truly permanent address both web and email. I am however going to wait it out till a little closer to sept. when Apple pulls the plug on iTools just to see if tey dont change their minds and offer free e-mail.
Originally posted by xaqintosh
the thing is like this:
you pay for .mac, youget 1 email account. every extra $10 per year is another 5 mb email account. if you only pay the $10 a year, you get 1 email acount and nothing else (no idisk or anything) and you pay $10 more per year for every account. I personally am not willing to pay $40 a year for email accounts (4 people in my family need email). So how many email accounts do you get with this service? if its only one, I'll go buy a domain.

Really? I wouldn't mind that so much. Granted i have three (two for me one for mom) but i could swing $30 a year or maybe $20 if i cut one off.

I might be able to deal with that.
