How can i add framework to my cocoa appl


How can i add GCdrawKit framework to my cocoa application?We are using xCode version 3.0 and Lepard machine.

When i run the program it displays the following error in the debug window after adding GCdrawkit (by using add-<existing framework):

[Switching to process 3272 local thread 0x2f1b]
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/GCDrawKit.framework/Versions/A/GCDrawKit
Referenced from: /Users/Newtok/Desktop/vinitha/Simple Inspector/build/Debug/Simple Inspector
Reason: image not found

- Thanks in advance
You need to embed the framework into your application bundle:

  1. Choose Project > New Build Phase > New Copy Files Build Phase
  2. In the Destination drop down box select Frameworks
  3. Close the Copy Files Phase Info window to return to the Xcode main window
  4. In the Groups & Files pane expand Targets > YourApplicationExectuable, where you should now see a Copy Files entry
  5. Still in Groups & Files pane drag your framework into the Copy Files entry
  6. Recompile

Repeat steps 4 & 5 for any additional frameworks you have.
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