How can I join 2 partitions?


Here is the deal...

I made two partitions when Os X came out I had 9 on one and X on the other.
When Jaguar came out I decided that I wanted to delete my partition that had 9 on it and do a clean install on it. I have transfered all of my files and programs from the older version of X to this partition that has Jaguar on it. I now want to delete the partition that the old version of X was on and add it to the Jaguar partition. Inside of the Disk Utility the partitions look like this:


Old Mac OS X Partition (15 GB)


Jaguar Partition (15 GB)


Partition for Drive setup


Can I just click the lock on the Jaguar Partition then delete the Old Mac OS X partition and my data in the Jag partition be saved????

Please help,
I have the same problem: I must join the 3 partitions of my HD. I don't find any software to do that without erase my HD.

Who has a solution ?
Hi arshort,

You say you have 2 partitions, yet identify 3...

Anyway, you can erase everything on either partition without disturbing anything on the other partitions....but you will still have the same number of partitions...that's not bad as you can still used the erased partition for anything you need - for instance, graphics or music storage.

The only way to wind up with just one partition would be to back up all your data to another hard drive, or to CD-R's...then use Disk Utility to initialize and reformat your hard drive into just one partition. Then do a new install of OSX followed by copying your files back from your backup media.

Hope this helps,

OOPS! Obviously you would have to use Disk Utility from the OSX.2 Installation CD (accessible from the Menu Bar after booting the installation CD).:o
Thats what I thought but I was just hoping that someone might would have a way to work around it. Only if I can convience my wife that I need another HD.
Another HD is only part of the answer... as you will have to install the system again (you cannot just copy it), and then play with "lots" of favorites and preferences until it works again as it did before !
chevy - there are utils out there that will let you copy the entire OS from one disk to another, rather than install from scratch