How can I reset a serial# for Office v.X?


We have two copies of Office v.X and are connected over the network. We used the same serial for each (Stupidly) and now only onw will be allowed to stay open (since it recognizes the other as using the same serial).

Deleting Office by dragging to trash doesn't work (though something just occured to me. I don't think we actually deleted the trash. WOuld that do it?)

ALso, there seems to be no UNinstaller.

ANy thoughts? Thanks!
Try deleting the invisible file called "OfficePID", located inside the "Office" folder of the "Microsoft Office X" folder.
when you installed office x there should be a file in the folder called remove office x, that will do it. if you dont have it it should be on the cd.
Originally posted by divibisan
when you installed office x there should be a file in the folder called remove office x, that will do it. if you dont have it it should be on the cd.
Remove Office is part of the Value Pack, I believe.
Office v.X is constantly sending network traffic out and receiving network traffic on two specific ports in order to detect multiple or thousands of people using a single copy without paying their homage for each copy. The only long term solution will be to block those two ports within X. Which is done easily enough however I don't have the two ports handy. This fix has been mentioned before in various discussion groups.

- Matt
Block UDP over Port 2222 to keep Office X in the dark about other copies on the network like so:

sudo ipfw add deny udp from any to any 2222
Yep. That does the trick. Only problem is, it has to be done every time you reboot a machine that it's on. I haven't figured out a way to set it automatically on bootup. Any ideas out there from the more Un*x-minded?