How can I Setup direct messaging between two OSX Macs


Can't get talk command to work from command line. Keep getting message "waiting for invitation on caller's machine"

I already uncommented

ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/tcpd ntalk

in inetd.conf and rebooted to start the talk no avail.

Any other suggestions..?

It doesn't even work for two users logged on the same machine..
Then I get this message

talk: Terminal type unset or lacking necessary features


Okay..this is weird.

I just tried talking on my local machine between two different users.

I opened two terminal window and logged in as jim on 2nd terminal. Then from the first terminal i typed

talk jim.

In jim's window, the talk requests comes up no problem

when I (jim) tries to reply with talk user_in_terminal_window_1
I get the message

talk: Terminal type unset or lacking necessary features.

when I type echo $term I just get term
I think this is strange....the other terminal window type is vt100.

But I opened both windows the same way...and didn't set the terminal type in either...


got it working...ssh is enabled...but i didn't want to have to login to the other mahchine to talk..should be able to do it from one host to another.

I think I just needed to set the terminal type.

thanks for your help. I very much appreciate it.

the thread is mentioning inetd. OS X ,and many flavors of *nix
including Red HAT 8.*, are switching to xinetd for super server.

ls /etc/xinetd.d/
auth chargen comsat daytime-udp echo-udp finger hello ntalk telnet time bootps chargen-udp daytime echo exec ftp login shell tftp time-udp

bash-2.05a$ cat ntalk
service ntalk
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
wait = yes
user = root
server = /usr/libexec/ntalkd
groups = yes
flags = REUSE

notice how my disable is
disable = no

here is a little about xinetd on my tutorial about telnet on OS X

and far far more informed tips at this page:

good luck,
I can't get talk to work at all.
Even if I am logged into the same machine.


[lark:~] aaron% who
sherie ttyp3 Sep 15 05:46
aaron ttyp4 Sep 15 05:47 (earwig)

From sherie on ttyp3, all I get is "Waiting for inviataion..."
no messages to aaron

from aaron.... same.

write aaron ttyp4
write sherie ttyp3

both work.

Odd that talk seemed to deliver with OS-X, yet does not seem to work.
(I don't think I installed it from fink or DarwinPorts, but I could be wrong)