How did you learn Cocoa?


Barking at the moon.
I'm in the process of teaching myself Cocoa. The only programming experience I currently have is a semester in Visual Basic and a semester in Visual C++. Both were taken a while ago and at the time I wasn't really interested in programming.

Now I've got the bug and I have a couple ideas for some nifty (simple) apps. I guess my question is, is Cocoa really hard? I mean, I know it's tough but do you think a fairly intelligent person could figure out cocoa on their own? Or did you guys all come from strong C++/Java backgrounds?
hi, i'm trying to learn cocoa as well. my background is a lot of scripting languages, VB, and some basic c++. i've got two good resources to get you on your feet.
if you list all the articles there are quite a few written by mike beam about cocoa/objective c

i also just started reading through /Developer/Documentation/Cocoa/
i'm reading the objective c tutorial and it explains the syntax which i have found quite daunting until now.

good luck
All i read was about 4 books on Cocoa:

Oreilly Book "Learning Cocoa"(its good for starting out)
"Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" by Aaron Hillegass (I dont know why i bought it, i know everything in there.)
The Obj-C Book by Apple (This one is really good)
And the first one i read that got me on my feet - "Currency Converter Tutorial"

Aaron Hillegass's book is probably the book to buy if you want to learn Cocoa by reading one book. But if you wanna master it, learn as much as you can!

It's really cool when you actually learn Cocoa