How difficult is it to upgrade RAM?



I have a new 20" iMac on order. It only comes with 2 GB of RAM. My understanding is that it will make good use of up to 4 GB. How difficult is this to install? I lve in Brazil and Mac techs are scarce on the ground, so to speak. I have a good deal of computer repair experience (13 years with IBM, 7 in field service) and have done memory upgrades on PCs with no grief.

The iMac almost looks like a sealed system so I am not sure how to open it. I laso understand that doing so would void the warranty. But I may want to do this a few months down the road anyway. First, I want to get a feel for performance with 4 GB. But I also know you can't be too thin, too rich, or have too much RAM. LOL

Any help is always greatly appreciated. :)
Obrigado, ElDiablo. I am going to bookmark that page and be sure to watch it several times before I try it. I don't plan on doing anything immediately anyway. Memory prices here are going down faster than a "Value-priced lady of easy virtue". LOL So waiting is the right thng to do.
Just to add I upgraded the ram on a new iMac a couple of weeks ago and it is very easy, you just need a small Phillips screwdriver. Just makesure not to touch anything but the edges of the ram boards and ground yourself first by touching something grounded like a radiator.

Just watched the video and this is way easier than I expected. Nothing at all to this. If it were any easier, Apple would send a tech to your house to do it for you. Now, I'll just have to shop around to find some really good prices on memory.

Thanks again, I doubt this could have been answered any better. :)
Just don't forget to touch a radiator. A DIMM is destroyed much quicker than most want to believe.
fryke, good advice, and how very true! I have all the anti-static stuff, like a grounding wrist strap. But here, there are no radiators! In fact we have no facilities for heating at all. But the year-round temperatures never vary more than about 22°C to 30°C so even a/c isn't needed most of the time.

Where I am is about 450 statute miles south of the equator (7°S) and a few blocks from the beach so there is always a nice breeze. Furthermore, we have never had any violent weather, no hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions. In fact, in six years, I have only seen one thunderstorm and may have heard thunder in the distance two other times. Yes, I live in paradise. I know I don't deserve it, but someone has to do it! :D
If you have a grounding wrist strap, you're okay, even under such extreme weather conditions. :)