how do I access my FW HD via Terminal?


Barking at the moon.
I have some files I need to work with in Terminal, but they are located on an external drive. I can't figure out how to navigate to that drive! How would I go about doing this?
cd /Volumes/WhateverMyFWHDIsCalled

note also that any attempts to unmount/eject the disk will fail as long as that terminal session still has the FW disk as its working directory - the disk is considered 'in use' until you change directories or close the window
Thanks Scruff! I've got another one for ya. How do I get around directories with spaces in their names? For example, that harddrive is named FireWire Disk and when I try to get into it, Terminal teels me: "cd: Too many arguments." How do I get around this? I appreciate it man .. I'm obviously not very UNIX savvy. ;)
also, terminal will auto complete it for you, including escaping the space ... type "cd firewire" then hit the TAB key.