How do I change anti-aliasing AND system font?


I really love OS X, but I hate the font smoothing and system font part since it gives me a headache on my LCD screen (PowerBook G4). Could someone PLEASE tell me how to get rid of the anti-aliasing AND to change the overall font for the system, the finder, all applications - the works?

I've already tried TinkerTools but it didn't change anything for me. I've managed to disable anti-alisasing by changing the AppleAntiAliasingThreshold in NSGlobalDomain through Terminal. However, the result is a very thin looking system font which I don't like either. I have a feeling it's just a thin/original version of Lucida, whereas what I want is a different font altogether.

Basically, I miss the old font look of OS 9 (e.g. Charcoal + Geneva). How do I achieve that in OS 10.2?

I know hardly anything about UNIX or Darwin but I'm very willing to learn if that's what it takes. Please give me a few hints as to what to do? Thanks.
Think this is getting complicated. There are quite a few things that needs to be changed before anyone can get anywhere close to the old fonts right?

I read somewhere about this and in the end, I just made myself get used to the new look, which is more bearable these days.

LOL. Maybe I am just too lazy.
Ok.. here's the thing.

Use TinkerTool to turn off AA. But the font isn't entirely changable. For instance. In Carbon apps, the font will always be Lucida Sans whatever. Even if you change it with TinkerTool.

Another thing is the font you DO change looks bad in some places. The main reason Apple hasn't allowed people to change the font themselves is because the text becomes misaligned. For instance, when I changed it the Menubar Clock (Which should have Font and color as an OPTION like )S 7, 8 and 9) pushed the text down 5 pixels cutting off the bottom. And in some dialogs the text cuts off if the label used to display the text is too small. In other words, the label was made just big enough for that text and font. Not taking into account that some font's won't fit.

This is why in OS 9 you could only choose from a select few fonts for the Menubar.