how do I change icons from .png files?


How do I change my standard icons to actually display the download icons in .png or .ico format?

when I open the .png it loads in preview, and shows me the icon no problem, but when i copy it and then paste it into an icon i want changed, it looks horrible displaying the background etc..

how do I open these / apply the new icons so they look good? thanks.
When pasting icons in the Finder, it doesn't use high-quality scaling and it doesn't respect alpha channels. To make quality icons, you need to use other programs. Apple has one called "Icon Composer" that's included with their free developer tools (the installer should be on your Mac OS X DVD). Icon Composer will create .icns files, which you can then convert to copy-and-paste-able Finder icons with IconDroplet.
When pasting icons in the Finder, it doesn't use high-quality scaling and it doesn't respect alpha channels. To make quality icons, you need to use other programs. Apple has one called "Icon Composer" that's included with their free developer tools (the installer should be on your Mac OS X DVD). Icon Composer will create .icns files, which you can then convert to copy-and-paste-able Finder icons.

That's exactly what Img2icns does.

Take a PNG file (if you want transparency) drag it to Img2icns and ta-da a icns file. Simple and quick, try it.
I had the page open for a while before replying, so I didn't see your post. I just downloaded Img2icns, and I think that's what I'll be using from now on. It takes out the whole IconDroplet step.

The only advantage to the Icon Composer/IconDroplet dance is that Icon Composer lets you embed images at all sizes — 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, and 16x16.