How do i change my desktop image in OS 10?


Hi, I can't seem to properly change my desktop image in OS 10.1 I have seen various instructions, but none of them work. For example, it has been said that I should go to finder, select preferences, and then click the select picture button. Easy enough, but I don't have a 'select picture' button when I click finder>preferences. I then saved an image to disk then brought it up in the desktop section and then changed the wallpaper there, but it is shown in a tile formation, I can not find a way to center the image on my desktop. Is there any easy way to set the desktop image and the way it is presented (centered, or tile)? Any help would be appreciated!!
Humm, the "place desktop" feature in OS X isn't as advanced as in OS 9, but to simply change the desktop in 10.1, go to System Preferences in the Applications folder and click the "Desktop" tab. Then simply drag a picture to the "desktop picture" :) Pretty easy ;)

In 10.0 it's quite different, I think, there you have to go to the Finder preferences.
Yeh and sometimes this does not appear to work. If this happens, just click command-option and escape to bring up the application list, and relaunch finder. This sometimes is a problem with icon changing as well.