How do I change the file type? FLV


I found a similar post like this but I have a different problem.

Anyways, I'm new to Mac! So I'm trying to figure out how to change the file type for this supposedly FLV file. I used youtube downloader to get the video and it just saves it for me as a document that's named video.flv. With Windows, if you changed the name to .flv it would automatically become a FLV file type but I found out that it's not the same for Mac. How do I change the file type? I really want to convert it but it won't let me cuz it doesn't read it as a .flv file type.

You are asking the wrong question. You don't want to change the file type, you want a Flash Video player. Alternatively, you may get a converter that will convert your video into a different format. But do you really want to convert anything? There are applications available that not only download from YouTube, but also play the videos. You may find several here.
I think I am indeed asking the correct question. Well see, it's not a .flv file-- it's supposed to be one. It's a "document" file, a blank icon. Even if I had a Flash Video player, it wouldn't be able to play it because it's not a .flv file. How do I change the file type?

With Windows, I could just change the extension/name. For example:

It's saved as Video on my laptop right... I can just change it to Video.flv so that it would become a .flv file. BUT-- How do I do that with Mac?
OK, so you just want to change the extension. You can do so by changing the file name


right click the icon » Choose Get Info » Under Name & Extension » change extension to .flv
Mac OS X doesn't designate what a file works with from the extension like Windows does. It only resorts to that method when it finds no other way of associating a file to an app.

This link shows how you can change the association of a file to an application.

It talks about 10.3 and 10.4, but I imagine it should apply to 10.5 as well.

Here's one that talks about changing file associations in Leopard.